Miss Prusselise
Fräulein Prusselise has been the colorful designer duo consisting of Julia and Kathrin since 2004. They have been friends for over 20 years and each completes the other's sentences. Fräulein Prusselise was built on shared enthusiasm, shared goals and friendship.
We work and tinker in the colorful shop in Trier's city center and send our outfits for young and old all over the world!
Drawing inspiration en masse from her own family life, Fräulein Prusselise designs and sews comfortable and easy-care children's clothing.
There are also matching favorite dresses for all adults - of course, also in a partner look!
A Fräulein Prusselise favorite piece wants to make your life colorful and happy, and embrace you during precious me-time!
Our fashion should be fun and allow admirers to indulge in nostalgic memories.
Be your companion on a beautiful journey and bring you joy!